Privacy Policy

By continuing using this Quintessentially for CIB Private Concierge Application (the “Concierge Services”), you hereby irrevocably and unconditionally accept the following Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) throughout the use of the Concierge Services including but not limited to all orders of goods and/or services from a Supplier proposed by any Service Provider responsible for the Concierge Services as well as its productivity and application platform (the “Service Provider”).

  1. The term “you” refers to you as a recipient of Quintessentially for CIB Private services.
  2. The terms, “we”, “us” or “our” refers to Global Lifestyles for Services S.A.E.
  3. The term “Supplier(s)” refer to any whatsoever third party that will be contracted by the Service Provider on your behalf to arrange for any request of the Concierge Services.
  4. Content and information, in any whatsoever form, submitted by you to the Service Provider is referred to “Personal Data” which may be controlled by the Service Provider or any third party.
  5. Personal Data includes, inter alia, name, surname, date of birth, gender, email address, picture, physical address, national ID number, financial information, geo-location, log data, times of using this application, and/or device ID.
  6. We and the Service Provider collect Personal Data on your behalf to enable the functionality of the application as well as the processing of your requests. We and the Service Provider also use the Personal Data for the following purposes:
    1. To register you as a new member or customer
    2. To manage our and the Service Provider’s relationship with you
    3. To deliver relevant content information to you
    4. To make suggestions and recommendations about goods and services that may be of interest to you.
  7. You understand and agree that in order to provide fulfillment of any request of the Concierge Services, your Personal Data may be transferred locally or internationally and stored on including, inter alia, servers outside of Egypt.
  8. To enable the processing of your requests, and to communicate with you, you acknowledge and accept that the Service Provider may provide the Supplier(s) with any of your Personal Data, which Supplier(s) may have their own different policies regarding how to use any of the Personal Data than the Service Provider (the “Third Parties Privacy Policies”), a copy of which Third Parties Privacy Policies can be provided to you upon your request. The Service Provider` accepts no responsibility for, and you hereby release us from any whatsoever liability for using the Personal Data by any of the Suppliers.
  9. We and the Service Provider have put in place appropriate security measures to protect your Personal Data. In addition, we limit access to your Personal Data to those employees, agents, contractors, Suppliers and other third parties who have a business need to know.
  10. The Personal Data may be shared with our affiliates, agents, franchisers or any legal or governmental body as required from time to time.
  11. You have the right to change how the Service Provider uses and processes your Personal Data, including request correction, and erasure of your Personal Data, but this may limit or cease the provision of any of the Concierge Service provided to you.
  12. We and the Service Provider will only retain your Personal Data for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements.
  13. This Policy may, at our sole discretion, be revised from time to time and you agree to abide by the latest revised version of this Policy.